Introduction to Linkerd for beginners
I had a blast learning about Linkerd lately. It’s a service mesh designed to help with traditional issues regarding service to service communication
Many times we would have to write a lot of code and operational overhead to achieve:
- SSL between microservices
- Auto retry for failed requests
- Metrics (Request per second & Latency)
- Tracing
- and More
A service mesh can help here by injecting a discrete proxy next to every application which hijacks requests coming in and out of that service.
I cover these challenges and service mesh basics in my Introduction to Service mesh video on YouTube.
Step 1 : We need a Kubernetes Cluster
Lets create a Kubernetes cluster to play with using kind
Kind is great for running throwaway test clusters :)
kind create cluster — name linkerd — image kindest/node:v1.19.1
Make sure you have kubectl
installed and its pointing to your cluster. You should be able to contact your cluster like so:
#test cluster access:kubectl get nodes
linkerd-control-plane Ready master 26m v1.19.1
Step 2: Example Microservice Architecture
I have a few components that makes up a video catalog application.
This architecture consists of :
* Ingress controller: A gateway for receiving traffic
* Videos Web : A web interface to show video catalog
* Playlists API: An API to retrieve lists of playlists
* Playlists DB: A small redis database to store playlists
* Videos API: An API to retrieve video data by ID
* Videos DB: A small redis database to store video data
To follow along with this tutorial, all the code is in my GitHub repo
Clone the repo, and lets deploy all the applications to our cluster:
# ingress controller
kubectl create ns ingress-nginx
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/servicemesh/applications/ingress-nginx/# applications
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/servicemesh/applications/playlists-api/
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/servicemesh/applications/playlists-db/
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/servicemesh/applications/videos-api/
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/servicemesh/applications/videos-web/
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/servicemesh/applications/videos-db/
Step 3: Make sure all our apps are up and running
kubectl get pods
playlists-api-d7f64c9c6-rfhdg 1/1 Running 0 2m19s
playlists-db-67d75dc7f4-p8wk5 1/1 Running 0 2m19s
videos-api-7769dfc56b-fsqsr 1/1 Running 0 2m18s
videos-db-74576d7c7d-5ljdh 1/1 Running 0 2m18s
videos-web-598c76f8f-chhgm 1/1 Running 0 100s
Let’s double check the Ingress controller too :
kubectl -n ingress-nginx get pods
nginx-ingress-controller-6fbb446cff-8fwxz 1/1 Running 0 2m38s
nginx-ingress-controller-6fbb446cff-zbw7x 1/1 Running 0 2m38s
Next up we’ll need a fake DNS name servicemesh.demo
Let’s fake one by adding the following entry in our hosts (`C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`) file: servicemesh.demo
Now we have a DNS servicemesh.demo
lets connect to our Ingress controller using port-forward
kubectl -n ingress-nginx port-forward deploy/nginx-ingress-controller 80
Now we can access our site under http://servicemesh.demo/home/ here
Step 4: Installing LinkerD
Firstly, I like to do most of my work in containers so everything is reproducible and my machine remains clean. Let’s get a small lightweight Alpine Linux container so we can get to work:
docker run -it --rm -v ${HOME}:/root/ -v ${PWD}:/work -w /work --net host alpine sh# install curl & kubectl
apk add --no-cache curl nano
curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
chmod +x ./kubectl
mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl#test cluster access:
/work # kubectl get nodes
linkerd-control-plane Ready master 26m v1.19.1
Now let’s install the linkerd
CLI in our container:
I grabbed the “edge-20.10.1” release using curl
curl -L -o linkerd
chmod +x linkerd && mv ./linkerd /usr/local/bin/linkerd --help
Let’s do some preflight checks
Linkerd has a great capability to check compatibility with the target cluster
linkerd check --pre
Let’s grab the YAML from the linkerd
# Grab YAML:
linkerd install > ./kubernetes/servicemesh/linkerd/manifest/linkerd-edge-20.10.1.yaml# Deploy it:
kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/servicemesh/linkerd/manifest/linkerd-edge-20.10.1.yaml
Let’s wait until all components are running
watch kubectl -n linkerd get pods
kubectl -n linkerd get svc
You can also do a final check:
linkerd check
Step 5: Access the LinkerD Dashboard
Let’s access the linkerd
dashboard via port-forward
kubectl -n linkerd port-forward svc/linkerd-web 8084
Feel free to have a browse around to familiarise yourself with the dashboard features.
Step 6: Mesh our video catalog services
There are 2 ways to mesh services:
1) We can add an annotation to your deployment to persist the mesh if our YAML is part of a GitOps flow:
This is a more permanent solution:
annotations: enabled
2) Or inject linkerd
on the fly:
This may only be temporary as your CI/CD system may roll out the previous YAML
kubectl get deploy
playlists-api 1/1 1 1 8h
playlists-db 1/1 1 1 8h
videos-api 1/1 1 1 8h
videos-db 1/1 1 1 8h
videos-web 1/1 1 1 8hkubectl get deploy playlists-api -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl get deploy playlists-db -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl get deploy videos-api -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl get deploy videos-db -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl get deploy videos-web -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl -n ingress-nginx get deploy nginx-ingress-controller -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
Step 7: Generate some traffic to our services
Let’s run a curl
loop to generate some traffic to our site. We’ll make a call to /home/
and to simulate the browser making a call to get the playlists,we’ll make a follow up call to /api/playlists
While ($true) { curl -UseBasicParsing http://servicemesh.demo/home/;curl -UseBasicParsing http://servicemesh.demo/api/playlists; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1;}
Step 8: Failure and Observability
In my video, I inject a fault to my videos-api
using some faulty code that can be enabled by setting Environment variable FLAKY=true
on the videos-api
deploy.yaml file. I redeploy that service once the environment variable is set.
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/servicemesh/applications/videos-api/
We can observe cascading failures in the linkerd
dashboard once failures start to occur.
Step 9: Service Profiles & Auto Retry
Now that we have a failure, we can test out the auto retry feature by creating a service profile. A service profile can be generated using the linkerd
CLI or you can just apply one I created already:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/servicemesh/linkerd/serviceprofiles/videos-api.yaml
We can notice retries are occuring when effective RPS is different to the actual RPS
linkerd routes -n default deploy/playlists-api --to svc/videos-api -o wide
We will also see the playlist API recover in the linkerd
Step 10: Mutual TLS
A cool feature of Linkerd is every meshed service gets mutual TLS which means all internal meshed service traffic is encrypted using TLS. We can view this by running :
linkerd -n default edges deployment
playlists-api videos-api default default √
linkerd-prometheus playlists-api linkerd default √
linkerd-prometheus playlists-db linkerd default √
linkerd-prometheus videos-api linkerd default √
linkerd-prometheus videos-db linkerd default √
linkerd-prometheus videos-web linkerd default √
linkerd-tap playlists-api linkerd default √
linkerd-tap playlists-db linkerd default √
linkerd-tap videos-api linkerd default √
linkerd-tap videos-db linkerd default √
linkerd-tap videos-web linkerd default √
You can also tap
deployments to get a tcpdump
style view which will also show tls on traffic between services:
linkerd -n default tap deploy
Hope you found this guide useful!
Be sure to checkout my LinkerD episode on YT